RVA Yorktown Locals #2 - Prepping in the Past


Good news everyone! We’re back at it again with some Yorktown locals, lots of stuff coming out soon so keep an eye out. We have been building and traveling lots the last few weeks, so plenty of inspiration to come. We're listening to Wither Away again this week because I'm the one editing and that's what I wanted to listen to.
So jokes on my locals for giving me this type of power, it will be abused.


Round One: The Man in Black vs The Light Party

Vince is at it again with some Man in Black shenanigans, a nice mono lightning mix this week. If you can’t tell, it’s definitely his favorite card of this set. I, on the other hand, am playing a cheeky party attack aggro deck, abusing Hien because he’s pretty neat.

Vince - Is that you Golbez? Summons Really!?!?!

Daniel - XIV Parties Up

Round Two: Mono Tidus vs WiWa Crystals

Rian is one of our mono water connoisseurs, having played it for the last 17 sets almost exclusively upon the release of opus 1 Legend Tidus. Rian is a man of class and Final Fantasy X is his go-to, so as you could imagine he is elated to be playing this game right now.
Facing him today is Tanis with some more WiWa Crystals, dedicated to the cause. Will he be able to stack up against the barrage of Tidus Rian holds? Only time will tell.

Tanis - Chaos Walker Actually Doesn't Feel Terrible

Round Three: Soiree vs Category IV

Here we have some PA Reraise prep, we Josh teching out a Category IV deck in an attempt to see if it has the legs to stand on against the potential NA heavy hitters. Ben is rocking a slightly modified Soiree deck, that he claims is always a work in progress, but hey, at least this deck didn’t get banned like the other 4 he built!

Ben - Ben's Soiree Members

Josh - Wendy's 4 for 4 Summons

Round Four: Samurai vs Soiree

In our final round and top table we have Round Four: Samurai vs Soiree. Nolan is playing his tried and true samurai deck, attempting to quickly take care of Ben’s Soiree Members. This pair has an intense rivalry, stemming from “your mom” jokes that they both realize too late is them talking about the same person. Maybe someday they’ll learn, but until then they’ll play Final Fantasy.

Ben - Ben's Soiree Members