Opus VI Prerelease Pack Opening

Did you get a chance to participate in a local prerelease event for Opus VI? We did, and also snagged an extra kit to open later. We took a few videos breaking down our packs and our experiences, as well as one of our live matches during the event.

Disclaimer: in our match below, we have several misplays. In our defense, it was the first time playing any of the cards!

- We rewind a misplay around the card Ramuh 6-102 where we thought the card required two legal targets. It does not.

- We search out Warrior 6-014 when searching for a Job Warrior. The card has Job Standard Unit.

We were fortunate enough to snag a few extra kits. In the video below, we open our packs and take a stab at building a sealed deck with the pool.

Hopefully you had a great experience with your Opus VI Prerelease. We all enjoyed our events, and feel that this set is a rewarding limited format experience. Thanks for watching!