Friday Future Series


Friday Futures #1- Weigraf

Final Fantasy Tactics (not the WotL remake either) is probably my 2nd favorite FF game there is, 8 being #1. I spent countless hours, crafting the perfect team, training and acquiring the best gear, equipping my team with all the proper abilities to make them unstoppable. The game was seemingly balanced well enough, though there were parts where you could just be flat out unprepared if you hadn’t trained enough, and the game WAS NOT FORGIVING in those instances. I think the first real happening of this was your battle with Weigraf at Riovannes Castle. Most folks probably gave up the game at this point, as they weren’t prepared for a 3 part battle; nor were they prepared for just how strong Weigraf was. And with that being said, I want to welcome you to the first “Future Fridays” segment!

We have seen a fair amount of Tactics cards starting from Opus1 forward, but aside from Ramza, Delita, Agrais, and Orlandu we’ve really missed out on some of the other larger players that made the game great. We haven’t seen any of the antagonists (I guess you can count Dycedarg or Goltana maybe Algus), but the main baddies haven’t seen their cardboard counterpart. I felt Weigraf was the best first inclusion as he is introduced as the first continued baddie in the game, and just always had a soft spot in my heart for him

While looking at the current cards, I noticed that there really aren’t many fire FFT cards out there and thought it was actually befitting that Weigraf be a fire forward. He was seeking vengeance, which I typically associate with fire and thought that since he dealt a fair amount of aoe damage in the game, it tied together nicely. With that being said, let’s get down to what I would like to see Weigraf’s card be.


Weigraf- 3CP- Fire Forward

Job- White Knight


When Weigraf enters the field or attacks, choose 1 forward deal it 4k, deal all other forwards opponent controls 1k

When Weigraf takes damage reduce it by 2k


I feel the lightning stab ability he had in the game really shines in Fire, and gives fire access to another ping based effect. Add in bombs or warmechs and he can get out of control very quickly. I wanted to add in a caveat of if Miluda is on the field Weigraf gains +2k and Brave, but I don’t think we will ever get that nuanced in the game to have a card for her. Also, the damage reduction may be a little over the top, but I really wanted to convey how strong he was when you battle him, and without the right preparation, he can be flat out unbeatable.

Well that’s it for the first “Friday Futures” Card spotlight. What do you think? Would you change the card in any way, different element? As always leave your thoughts below, and if you have suggestions for characters we haven’t seen in the game send them over!